The beautiful deck, Luminous Messengers is offering the card for today. The titles, images, and messages for this deck came in from Spirit to my daughter as she created this deck as a gift for me. Love, hope, and inspiration are embodied in every card and my heart swells with pride and gratitude every time I work with them. Today’s card from this very special deck is Best Friends. Do you have best friends relationship?
My Messages:
Best friends – what does the phrase mean to you? I think typically, most people would have a

very deep and detailed definition of the term. To me, best friends have a mutual deep heartfelt connection. They treat each other with love and respect even when their opinions or feelings might not perfectly align. They know each other well, they understand each other’s thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviours accepting each other for who they are. They know when each other has had a bad day and is “faking it" when they really need a hug. Best friends are reliable, always being there for each other “through thick and thin.” They share in their moments of joy and triumph, truly sharing in each other’s happiness as opposed to wishing it was theirs. They also stand side by side when facing adversity, supporting and even defending each other. Whenever one is in a place of darkness, the other does not crawl in there with the friend unless it is to coax them to take the hand they are offering to pull them out with.
Best friends are also a mirror for each other, reflecting back their shadow side, things to learn life lessons from, and helping each other to see different perspectives of a challenge. Just as the image shows two figures that appear to be mirror images, we note, however, that one is fair, and one is dark. This is a reminder of the duality in our world – light and dark – and that exists within us and within relationships. Just as best friends share love and joy, the relationship can also endure trauma, conflict, and forgiveness. Sometimes one person is the teacher, the other the student, or vice versa. Best friends see all of each other and accept the light and the shadow. The duality is necessary for the whole. Best friends help each other reconcile that duality.
The card speaks about a fulfilling relationship. Best friends want to spend time with each other whether it is on an exciting outing, having a long, late-night conversation over a steaming pot of tea, or simply shared quiet moments in the comfort of each other’s company. If large spans of time separate the two, when they do get together it feels as if they were just together the day before. Best friends give to and receive from one another. Just as the image depicts two figures equal in stature, standing on level ground, so are best friends “equal.” There is no judgement between them and no position of power over another.
When I think about best friends, I am so, so grateful to have a number of “best friends” in my life. However, prior to thinking of them, the first message that came to me from Spirit when I looked at this card, was to always be our own best friend, to treat ourselves as we would a cherished best friend. So often we are reminded that one of the greatest life lessons is to learn self love. One of the tactics we can use on that journey is to treat ourselves as our best friend. Whenever you have a negative thought about yourself ask yourself if you would treat your best friend that way. If the answer is “no” then the next question is, “Then why would you treat yourself like that?” If we can treat ourselves as a best friend, just as we described above, we are on our way to cultivating self love.

The greatest thing shared between best friends is love. This is even reflected in the outline of the image of the two figures resembling a heart shape. The two friends in the image are standing close with hands clasped in the heart area, illustrating that heart-to-heart connection. This card is also from the green suit which is the colour of the heart chakra. The card advises to “Be aware of your energy.” As we move into the changing energies of the planet, we are invited to become more and more heart centred, to truly see life and everything in it from a loving perspective. It is an opportunity to examine how we live as a ”best friend” to others. The more we live from this place of love, the higher our energetic vibration will be, and we will subsequently attract more loving people and experiences into our lives, the more “best friends” relationships we will have. The card also tells us to surround ourselves with people who will lift us up. This is a reminder that we are all connected, and just as our energetic vibration can be felt by others, so can we feel their vibration.
It is important to note that our best friend may not always be another human. Many people have animals as best friends, and the relationships are the same as with a human. The bond is deep and loving. Best friends may not always be around for an entire lifetime. You may remember having a childhood best friend who you no longer see. Even in adulthood, as we evolve spiritually, our vibration may become out of sync with those we once thought of as a best friend and so those friendships fade away. On the other hand, some best friendships last a lifetime and even many lifetimes. Some may even continue when one party has passed to the other side. What is also important to remember, is that having that deep friendship at the time that you have it is perfect and serves a purpose, because everything is on Divine timing.
The colours on the card give us a message as well. In addition to being the colour of the heart chakra, green is also the colour of communication, creativity, and healing. It reminds us how important communication is in a relationship to keep it open and honest and loving. Creativity is also a big piece of a best friends scenario. We must remember that we are the co-creators with Spirit in creating our lives. Best friends keep us on track in creating the life we want and deserve. Healing is always a part of any relationship, but best friends help one another self heal. Green is also the colour of Archangel Raphael, the Archangel of healing and relationships - call on him if you need assistance healing a relationship. The orange behind the two figures brings in the concept of balance. Best friends is a balanced relationship – there is no power struggle. The deep support of the relationship also helps bring about balance within oneself. When you are knocked off balance and you can feel your vibration slipping, call on a “best friend” to help bring you back into a happier higher vibrational level.
Lastly, there are two figures in the image. The number two points to partnerships which makes sense when we are talking about best friends. The angel number two means “don’t stop believing.” This means don’t stop believing in yourself, in others, and in Spirit. If your relationships with yourself or others are not quite of the “best friend” genre, don’t stop believing that you can have a best friend relationship. Believe in yourself and that you deserve the love and support of a best friend. Don’t stop believing can also mean not to give up on someone so if you have a best friend where things are not going well right now, don’t stop believing in that other person and in the relationship. Keep your thoughts positive. This will help you get through the rough patches.
Guidebook Messages:
Currently this deck does not have a guidebook. My daughter and I will be working together to create one in the future.
I hope this reading was helpful for you. As we move into the Lion’s Gate Portal, a time of

intense manifestation, take inventory of your relationships. Are they shifting? Do all of these qualities describe your best friends? Or do you wish to manifest more best friends relationships going forward? How is your relationship with yourself - are you your best friend? Whatever your situation, you have the power to change it and the upcoming 8-8-8 energies will support you immensely. Be aware of your energy and stay in your heart. Can you imagine if every relationship that everyone was in had the qualities of a best friends relationship? What a new world it would be! So don’t limit your manifestation. Keep your vibration high and go out and create. You deserve all the best friendships – enjoy!
I would love to hear your feedback about how this card’s message has resonated with you. If you find that you are wanting some assistance with “best friends” relationships, I am offering individual intuitive counselling and angel card readings online or in person (in Calgary).
Lots of love and hugs,
PS: Here are some songs about friendship – Get out the tissue!
If you would like to learn more about the meaning of celestial events, colours, or numbers here are a few resources I have found helpful:
Luminous Messengers Oracle deck by Maggie Young
Your Life in Color by Dougall Fraser
Vikki MacKinnon on Facebook
Photo Sources
Luminous Messengers Oracle deck by Maggie Young
Created in Canva