For the last few weeks Spirit has drawn my attention to one of the first decks I owned but have not used for a very long time. Spirit wants it again highlighted for today’s Angel Messages. The beautiful Mystical Wisdom Card Deck was created by Gaye Guthrie with the intention of “bringing peace and comfort” to “inspire and uplift” you. The cards offer guidance for the present and future with the acknowledgement that “you hold within you the power to change your life and the free will to choose circumstances.” (Source: Mystical Wisdom Guidebook) The card drawn for you today is Moving Forward.
My Messages
This beautiful card comes at the most opportune time as we are just moving through the supportive energies of the Summer Solstice (in the northern hemisphere) and the Strawberry Full Moon from last week.
Moving Forward
As discussed last week, the Solstice is a time to move into our light finding balance with our
shadow side and the Strawberry full moon is a time to create from a place of love and compassion. This beautiful card is encouraging us to move forward in both. The Goddess in the image is coming out of the darkness just as we are invited to do. As we released all that no longer served us earlier this year, we are being urged to move forward in discovering our own light, to look within and find the light of our true selves. There, we will find the inner wisdom we possess to understand the shadows and balance with the light.
The Goddess is moving out of the cold trailing snowflakes and crystals behind her. Many of us have felt “frozen” on our path, halted or stalled in our growth, while perhaps we rested or learned the lesson of patience before we could move forward. Her calm demeanor reassures us that it is OK to stop, to rest as her polar bear is, and to wait until the time is right to start moving again. A reminder that everything happens on Divine timing and in our highest good. Progress can be slow and steady just as a lumbering bear is.
The Goddess sits upon a polar bear who in the image is sleeping. The bear is not known for its speed but rather for its stability and strength. So, be patient with your progress and do not hurry it. Rest when you need to as the bear is showing us. Take time for self care. Then, from the firm ground that you are on in your journey and from that stability, move forward into the next chapter with strength and confidence.
Create the Life You Want to Live
In this eight year of abundance, we are encouraged not only to seize opportunities to make money, but also to take the lead in creating the life we want in all aspects of abundance – health, relationships, rest, recreation, etc. The polar bear is independent and self-reliant. Just as the Goddess is riding on the polar bear, so can you “ride upon” your independent spirit to create the life YOU want. The card tells us to “Get ready for positive change.” Change is incumbent in the process of letting go to make room for more of what will bring us joy in our lives. As part of “getting ready” we need to be in the moment and be aware and open to opportunities for change. We can call on the strength of the polar bear spirit to help us sidestep the fear brought in by the ego when we face change.
One of the main colours of this card is a beautiful indigo, the colour of the third eye chakra. This is a subtle reminder to connect to Spirit, to your inner self, to a higher level of consciousness, and to TRUST. When we trust, we can let go of the limiting beliefs upheld by the ego and move forward in creating a beautiful life. The third eye chakra also helps us “see things differently,” to see things from a higher perspective, a spiritual perspective, a positive perspective, helping us move forward on our path.
Spirit is Supporting You
The Goddess on the card is also bathed in iridescent colours of the rainbow which are the colours of Archangel Raziel who is said to know the “Secrets of God.” As we move forward on our journey, the card appears to be suggesting that we work with Archangel Raziel in discovering the secrets of the Universe to live our most glorious lives. He also assists with understanding and releasing past lives so that we can move forward. This is the 33rd card in the deck. Three is the number for creativity and communication, encouraging us to create our new reality and to communicate what that will be in a positive and descriptive manner to others. The more you can articulate and visualize your dreams, the easier it is for Source to manifest them. Three is also the angel number meaning your entire spiritual team – Guides, Ascended Masters, passed lived ones, ancestors, fairies, dragons, etc. - are all supporting you, so ask for their assistance whenever you can.
Guidebook Messages
“Situations and events of the past are clearing and making way for positive changes. Turn the negative experiences into a positive and mor rewarding future. You have the resources and ability to move forward now. Take a leap of faith knowing that the angels will open doors for you and present a clearer and smoother road ahead. Don’t let fear or stagnation hold you back.
Mantra: I am ready to move forward with confidence.”
I hope this reading was helpful for you. As you continue to focus on the image on the card,
listen for the messages it brings specifically for you. As you get ready for positive change to propel you forward, remember you can call on Archangel Raziel or all of your spiritual team to assist you. You can also call on the polar bear spirit for the strength and self-sufficiency to move forward. The energy of the world is changing. It is time to move forward with it into the new world. And, although you are self sufficient and strong, shining your light brightly, you will not be alone. Many of us will be striding alongside you.
I would love to hear your feedback about how this card’s message has resonated with you. If you find that you are wanting some assistance with moving forward in your life, I am offering individual intuitive counselling and angel card readings online or in person (in Calgary).
Sending love and light,
If you would like to learn more about animals, colours, or the meaning of numbers, here are a few resources I have found helpful:
Mystical Wisdom Card Deck & Guidebook by Gaye Guthrie
Your Life in Color by Dougall Fraser
Vikki MacKinnon on Facebook