Today, Spirit prompted me to pull a card from a deck I have not featured for a very long time. However, I can’t think of a more appropriate message given that many of us are feeling the energy of the Lunar Eclipse and Full Blood Moon last night. The card is The Great Severing from The Starseed Oracle deck created by Rebecca Campbell.
As you may recall from previous blogs, this deck was created for Starseeds and for all those who “are interested in the mystery of the human experience.” I know there are many Starseeds amongst you who I am sure are feeling a very strong pull to your purpose, especially this year. The intention of this deck is to connect you to the wisdom you have within, to connect with your heart and soul. Starseeds are those who have incarnated previously elsewhere in the cosmos. This card may start to connect you to your cosmic origins and begin or enhance the awakening of your true self. To learn more about this deck and the author see

Interest in the stars transcends time and geography. This year we have witnessed some amazing celestial events just coming through a time with the alignment of several planets. You may have spent some evenings discovering which planet was which delighting in how many you could see with the naked eye. I know I did and was always filled with a sense of wonder and longing to learn and see more. How does the night sky affect you? Many ancient cultures looked to the stars for our origin, as many of us do today – the Mayans, ancient Greeks, Australian Aboriginal peoples, Mali’s Dogon tribe, ancestors of the U.S. Hopi people, our own Canadian First Nations people, and many more. They pondered many questions – Where does the soul come from? How did we come to be on this planet? Where do we go when we die? What and who else exist amongst the stars? Are these questions that weigh on your mind too?
Starseeds are “old souls” who have experienced lives on places other than Earth. They often feel misplaced on this planet and spend time in their life “trying to fit in.” They have a yearning for the stars and to find the place that feels like home. Rebecca Campbell notes that “they are souls who have a longing for all that’s mysterious and unknown.” (To learn more about Starseeds see Gaia – Am I A Starseed? Starseed Types and Characteristics Revealed, Ask Angels - Starseeds… What Is A Starseed? Plus 20 Signs You Are One!) Do you have characteristics of a Starseed?
My Messages:
This dramatic card is the perfect illustration of the current times we are experiencing. The red

landscape reminds me of the Full Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse we have just been through. Both bring in the energy of uncovering and releasing old stories that we have carried and lived by for too long. The title “The Great Severing” is an appropriate description of what we are experiencing energetically in this “9 universal year.” As you know, this is the year to finally wrap up and release so much of our history and our lessons that we no longer need to carry. Many of you are also carrying and resolving ancestral wounds because you have the strength and the courage to do so. It is a “great severing” indeed!
The mountains and valleys are the perfect symbols for the ups and down we have been and will continue to experience in this year of transformation. The colouring of the landscape shows the gradual transition we are undergoing. The rusty red depicts the negative emotions of the Divine Masculine energy as listed on the card – “Mars energy. Anger. Conflict” – and then it gradually fades into the soft pink of the Divine Feminine energy which is spreading across the planet –“softening with love.” This is a pictorial reminder of where we can move our emotions to as we become more heart centred. The words themselves encourage us to move from the “Mars energy,” the warrior energy into, as I wrote about in a previous blog, “The Wise Woman and The Warrior,” the wisdom of the heart.
The deteriorating dwellings at the base of the “red” mountains show us that this place of anger and conflict is no longer a comfortable ‘home” for us. As more of humanity wakes up to the love in their heart, the conflict we see on so many fronts right now will end; there will be no place for it; it will not have a “home.” The darkness of the river in the valley is winding its way towards the light and lightens as it gets closer to the more illuminated land in the distance. We can allow that darkness to move out of our lives. We can choose to move away from negative emotions and thoughts. We can release them to float away. It may not be a straightforward journey of release, but we can have hope that we will arrive at the light. Spirit wants us to know that the more love we hold in our hearts, the quicker the journey will be and the more people we can positively influence along the way.
The rusty red also reminds me of the copper colour of Archangel Gabrielle. She is the archangel of creativity, communication, and motivation. If you are feeling stuck in your journey, call upon her for the motivation to move forward through that valley into the light. Ask her to help you create the life you desire and deserve versus existing in one put upon you by others. We are all co-creators of our reality, and it starts with our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. By releasing those old stories, aka beliefs, we are free to change the narrative of our reality. We are free to create. The more we release those old stories, the more we reconnect with our true selves. Archangel Gabrielle will help you speak your truth if you find that challenging.

Lastly, as we look to the cosmos beyond the mountains in the image, we see the light and dark reflecting the duality in our world – right-wrong, good-bad, fear-love, etc. The light is overtaking the dark as it is on our planet, again bringing us hope for when we feel we are in a dark place. The various stars and suns remind us that we have so much support from Source, in this world and beyond. If you look closely, you may see the face of a rabbit in the light part of the sky. The rabbit is a symbol of creativity. So again, we are encouraged to create the life we wish to have.
Guidebook Messages:
“This is a shadow card: one that may feel confrontational. Don’t be afraid. It’s here to bring to the surface anything that is standing in the way of letting love in. The warring planet of Mars is our constant reminder that it’s important to soften, forgive, and find our way back to love.
There are many things in the human experience that make it difficult for our heart and soul to stay open to the never-ending source of love. We’re all wounded, and our unconscious wounds inflict wounds on others. It can feel like a never-ending dance we can never escape. If we aren’t careful, before long we will see the world as a scary, dangerous place, where fear and anxiety roam free.
If this card surfaces, it could be for two reasons. Firstly, for you to acknowledge the difficult emotions, situations, conflicts, wounds, and fears that are causing you pain and anxiety. And secondly, for you to find your way back to love.
When we’re hurt it is normal to close our heart off to the world. To let the painful experience confirm the agony of separation in earthly life. Soften and find your way back to love anyway. When fear, anxiety, and paranoia paralyze you, it’s normal to want to hide away from others and the world. Come out of your cave and soften your heart anyway. We’re all innocent children spinning our way around the world. Find a way to see the innocence in all people, especially yourself.
Starseed Soul Enquiry: How are you cutting yourself off from love? How can you soften towards those who have hurt you?”
I hope this was helpful for you. As you release those old stories, move into your heart to create the life you deserve. Don’t lose hope when you find yourself in yet another valley with a steep hill to climb. You have the support of Source to get to the top, to see the light, to rediscover the true you. So, embrace the Divine Feminine and move away from the Mars energy. By doing so on a personal level you can impact the global energy to do the same. Stay in your heart and allow love, not fear; to guide you and you will see the world is a beautiful place. You CAN do it!
I would love to hear your feedback about how this card’s message has resonated with you. If you find that you are wanting some assistance navigating away from the Mars energy, I am offering individual intuitive counselling and angel card readings online or in person (in Calgary).
Sending love and light,
If you would like to learn more about Starseeds or the meaning of colours, here are a few resources I have found helpful:
The Starseed Oracle Deck and Guidebook by Rebecca Campbell
Your Life in Color by Dougall Fraser