Something is shifting…again. Can you feel it? As I talk with friends and clients who have been faced with challenges in their lives these last few months, I see them struggling as the intensity of what they are dealing with increases seemingly relentlessly. These are beautiful strong spiritual people who are bowing under the immense pressure of the weight on their shoulders. Some are experiencing a rerun of old traumas from childhood that they thought they had worked through. Others are having new memories surface of deeply buried traumas they had forgotten about. Some are dealing with sudden severe health issues or many losses

over a short period of time. Still others are feeling their connection to Spirit suddenly difficult to find. All of these scenarios have resulted in strong emotions of fear, anxiety, depression, grief, frustration, disappointment, and bewilderment. All of those affected are asking why? Why is this happening to them? Some say their lives were ticking along really well – happy successful, feeling as if they “had it together” and suddenly they were stopped short in their tracks with a turn of events. Others feel they had successfully closed the chapter on one issue thinking they could relax when another opened up. Still others just have had a feeling something was “off”, they are not themselves but can’t identify what the issue is. What about you? Can you relate to any of these scenarios?
As I pondered how to assist my friends and clients, Spirit reminded me of something I wrote about a few weeks ago – Dark Night, Bright Light –some of the “brightest lights” are working through the biggest challenges right now. Spirit is saying these people need to “clear out” their issues so that they can assist others. If we remember that we are all energy and all connected, then we know that our vibration affects those around us. That is a good reason for healing, but it is also a reminder of what may be still yet to come. Just as some have already been sensitive to traumatic events around the world, that energy may be on the increase over the next weeks as a result of the recent political events – more global change that has the potential to be emotionally charged and be felt by others not directly involved. So how do we address the current and coming emotional overload? How do we clear ourselves and come to rest in a place of peace, stability, and love? Interestingly enough, the energy and vibration of colour can support us greatly…
Our World and Colour
Spirit has been speaking to me through colour for a long time. I often see or have a feeling

about a message from a certain colour when working with clients, or doing a card reading, or even being present in my own life. Lately the incredible sunsets and sunrises we have captivated me. The sky being lit up with yellows, oranges, pinks and purples has put me repeatedly in awe and gratitude of the beautiful world we live in. The lush greens of our forests and vegetation is soothing. The pale blue of our skies feels expansive and free just as the deep blues of our oceans bring in a mesmerizing deep connection to the water’s power. A couple weeks ago, Spirit brought a particular colour to my attention by bringing purple energy into my morning meditations. Although I asked, I did not get much information about why the colour appeared. Then this week the colour pink was added to the purple. Finally, the
synchronicities that presented themselves in working with a couple of groups this week, started to piece together the puzzle as to what the colours were bringing us.
The Colour Purple
Purple is not only the colour of leadership, destiny, and purpose, it is also the colour of the crown chakra – our connection to our higher consciousness. Spirit was letting me know to

support others in releasing the traumas and blocks to their connection to their higher consciousness and purpose. Then purple also came in as the colour connected to Archangel Zadkiel who, along with Ascended Master St. Germaine, is the keeper of the “Violet Flame of Transformation and Healing.” Working with the energy of the Violet Flame brings in the highest vibrational frequency of freedom and joy by releasing us from the lower energy of limiting beliefs, trauma, and negative karma which the flame then transmutes into a higher vibration. The Violet Flame also accelerates healing and learning the lessons we need for our spiritual growth. There are many visualizations and meditations to work with the Violet Flame. If you are wanting to work with the Violet Flame to help with your current challenges, you can access some of them at Ask Angels by Melanie Beckler – The Violet Flame – Experience Its Power With Help From Angels
Archangel Zadkiel is also the Archangel of forgiveness, mercy, compassion, and tolerance. He can assist us with healing karmic debts, mental challenges or illnesses, and understanding our challenges in our lives so we can overcome them. He helps ease worry, anxiety, and tension by working with Archangel Chamuel to bring in peace and calm. He helps transform negative personality traits and addictions. Along with Archangel Michael he helps us realize our life purpose. With all these amazing qualities he is definitely the Archangel to work with to clear out those traumas and challenges that these days might feel insurmountable. You can bring in healing and clearing with Archangel Zadkiel with this simple exercise:
Sit or lie in a comfortable place, close your eyes, and begin with three deep breaths. As you relax, visualize the stars above you on a clear night. As you feel the velvety darkness around you, ask Archangel Zadkiel to be with you. You may see, hear, or sense him nearby. He will appear any way that feels right for you. Know that he is there regardless of what you sense. You are safe. Ask him to help you release whatever it is that is troubling you. He nods his agreement and raises his hands to the heavens.
Then visualize a serene purple light coming from Source into your Crown Chakra. Allow the light to gently move through your body – through your Third Eye Chakra, past your Throat Chakra, down your neck and along your arms to your fingertips. It then proceeds into your chest to pause in your Heart Chakra then moves down your spine to your Solar Plexus Chakra, radiating down into your abdomen, through your Sacral Chakra, then your Root Chakra, then down through your legs and out your feet into Mother Earth taking with it all the energy of any trauma, chaos, and negativity that no longer serves you.
As you see the purple light continuing to course through you, allow yourself to feel forgiveness in your heart – forgiveness for anyone or anything that has harmed you, but most of all forgiveness for yourself. Fill yourself with forgiveness for any negativity or low vibrational thoughts, feelings, or behaviours that you may have participated in. Feel free as the forgiveness takes hold. Breath in the freedom and the joy, breathe out the trauma and negativity to be transmuted with the purple light.
Sit quietly in the purple glow as you integrate your forgiveness and freedom. When you are ready, allow the white light of Source to come in through the Crown Chakra to fill you up as the purple light takes the last of what you are releasing and forgiving into Mother Earth to transmute. Allow yourself to fill up with the white light. Breath and relax and when you are ready return to your current space and open your eyes.
Returning Love and Compassion with Pink
When Spirit brought in pink on the heals of purple in my meditations, they reminded me that

we must fill our hearts with love and compassion once we clear the lower vibrational emotions. The Divine Feminine energy flowing into the earth’s sphere at this time is supporting us in returning to self love. As we release pain, fear, worry, frustration, and anger to bring in forgiveness, self love and love for others can grow and flourish. This is the time to become more heart centred to allow that love to have a ripple effect to all we are connected to. Perhaps this is why some of the challenges are rising to the surface – so we can clear them and create even “more space” for the love we are to share with all the beings on this planet and beyond.
Try this exercise to bring in the compassion of pink:
As you feel you are releasing the challenges that are bubbling up, close your eyes, breathe deep and bring the colour pink into your heart space. Allow yourself to feel the unconditional love that you deserve, and that Source and all your Guides and Angels have for you. If you are having difficulty feeling that for yourself as so many do, begin by recalling the unconditional love and warmth you have for someone else in your life – a partner, a child, a best friend, a pet, or even one of your Angels or Guides.
Allow that feeling of love to settle in your heart and throughout your body. See its energy expanding beyond you just like a pink sun shining brighter and brighter. Breath slowly and deeply as you allow the energy to expand.
As you continue to feel the warmth of the unconditional love, visualize yourself in that pink heart space. Take note of what else or who else is there with you. Are you alone? Are you with family or friends? Do they have a message for you? Relax and make note of what pops into your head. Has your inner child joined you? Do they have a message for you? Are you hugging or standing apart? Has your feeling changed at all? Hold that pink light and the love it brings in.
Within your pink heart space do you see anything that may represent a block or an unresolved challenge. See if you can allow it to simply evaporate or be removed in some fashion. If it persists it may still hold a lesson for you. Surround it with love as well knowing that you will learn on your own Divine timeline and then release it.
Spend a couple of minutes just sitting quietly in your heart space with yourself and your loved ones, feeling the warmth of unconditional love. Breathing in love and breathing out any blocks to that love. Then slowly bring yourself back to the present and when you are ready, open your eyes.
Messages in the Sunsets
The other colours in our brilliant sunsets also bring us healing messages particular to issues arising for many at this time. The deep reds point to healthy emotions and relationships. Red is the colour of our root chakra, which is associated with a firm foundation, grounding, or our “roots” that those healthy relationships nurture. This chakra also holds the energy of safety and security. So many people worldwide are currently experiencing lack of security and safety whether they are in a war zone or are experiencing lack of security due to something like economic pressures. Relationship breakdowns are not only happening at an individual level but globally between governments and industries.

If the colour red is grabbing your attention, there may be healing in it for you. It may be pointing to a block or low vibration connected to relationship issues or feelings of insecurity or even threats of danger that need to be released. If the colour does not resonate with you, but you are still noticing it, you are likely being called to send healing to global issues with insecurities and broken relationships; to contribute to repairing the foundation for a better world. When we are working with red personally, we are clearing our root chakra, so we have that firm foundation to move forward. Once you have cleared out the issue, you can surround yourself with the colour red – wear red clothing, eat red food, have red furniture or textiles in your environment – to bolster your root chakra. If you are called to work on global issues send healing as you are guided to and know that you are restoring healthy relationships and security worldwide. For any “red issue” you can call on your Spiritual team to assist you.
Another colour in our sunsets, is a glowing orange, the colour of balance and perception. If orange is calling to you through nature or any other part of your environment, you may be guided to release any challenges that are creating an imbalance for you. This may be in regard to the balance of the things you do in your life, or it may even be a balance in your own energy centres. It can also be being out of balance with being of service to others versus being in service to yourself. Self care is as important at serving others – we need to fill our cup before we can fill others’. Part of that self care is also knowing that we cannot and in fact, should not, serve everyone. Overserving brings with it all the lower vibrational emotions that we are in fact trying to help others release – fear, worry, anxiety - often triggered by fatigue. Orange may also be asking you to change your perception of your world or a certain problem so you can see your way to healing. This change in perception may be a message from Spirit as to a strategy to clear challenges in any chakra or area of your life.
The last colour in our gorgeous sunsets is a glowing golden yellow which brings in the promise of a bright future with higher thought and brilliant epiphanies. I believe the golden glow is there as a remedy for us to clear away any negativity and bask in the positivity of the future. The epiphany may be a new perspective to an old challenge or a new knowing that all happens as Divine intended. With this knowing you can release fear and worry, doubt and anxiety. You can trust that your challenges will resolve as the lessons to be learned are clearly presented to you. You can ask Archangel Uriel, the “Light of God,” to assist you to bring in this new knowledge so that you can move forward.
Nature’s Healing
The last two colours that nature provides us are green and blue. Emerald green is the colour of Archangel Raphael, the Archangel of Healing. Not only does he assist with physical healing, but he also assists with healing on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level. In our current environment, everyone should likely be working with Archangel Raphael. As you get closer to discovering what healing you need, or if you are confused and don’t know where to start, Archangel Raphael will assist you. Call upon him. Go out amongst the soothing green of nature, connect with the earth and her vegetation to relax and tap into your higher self where the answers lie to your healing. If you cannot go outdoors, visualize being in your favourite place in nature. Although Mother Earth is going through a transition herself, she can still provide us with grounding and healing.
Blue’s Wisdom and Truth
Our last colour is the most expansive one, the blue of our skies and of the waters. Blue is the

colour of truth and wisdom and isn’t that the ultimate goal we would all like to attain? The truth and wisdom of the Universe is as expansive as our skies and oceans. As we connect with the energy of blue, we can expand our awareness and reconnect to our true selves and purpose. In order to do that we must clear those blocks and negativity. Archangel Raguel can help us connect to the light blue of the sky, if you are irresistibly drawn to observe our sky, Archangel Raguel may be calling to you. He is known as the “friend of God” and the Archangel of justice and fairness. What do we need more of right now on the planet than justice and fairness? He is known to bring resolution to conflicts, restore social order, and reduce trauma. He brings in justice, harmony, and diplomacy. You may experience all of these things at a personal level or from a global perspective. You can be unfair to yourself and treat yourself badly. You can be in conflict about your life purpose and the lessons you have chosen to learn. Call on Archangel Raguel for help and work with the colour of light blue. If you are experiencing challenges from a global perspective, what better Archangel to work with? He helps us see challenges from a higher perspective and brings in transparency and accountability. Call on him!
The deep blues of our oceans are the sapphire blue of Archangel Michael who is known to provide us with protection and to help us align with our purpose. If you are feeling lost or even attacked with your challenges, call on Archangel Michael to help you get back on track. He will be by your side all the way to resolution, as you clear away negativity and bring in the light of healing, love and compassion. You can also work with the waters for healing. The Earth’s water is alive just as the water in your body is. It can hold healing for you. I know I have been guided to send the healing of purple through the waters to all corners of the planet. Allow any healing the waters can bring to you. Allow it to “wash away” your challenges and bring in the loving energy to fill the void. Be aware of the water that you interact with, and the healing messages it brings – be it recreational, in your food, bathing, or drinking. If you are drawn to the dark blue waters, there is something in it for you. Allow it to assist you in your healing – perhaps touch it rather than just look at it. Ask it what messages it has for you. The answer might not be readily recognizable, but it will show up in your life in time.
Healing With Colour
As our world continues to churn, as your personal challenges surface one more time to finally

bid them goodbye, remember that nature brings us colour for a reason. The energy of colour can call our attention to issues that we need to address, can bring in our spiritual team for assistance, and can provide healing. Whatever struggles you are experiencing now, know that you have the power to learn from them and clear them. The energy of colour and the Archangels are lovingly waiting to assist you – just ask. Soon we will be celebrating together in that brilliant new world that the energy of colour is leading us to.
Sending you love and light,
Intuitive Counselling and Angel Card Readings
If you would like to receive some spiritual guidance specifically for you, I am offering intuitive counselling, angel card readings, and angel numerology readings online or in person (in Calgary).
Or perhaps you would benefit from the information, understanding, and support of our community.
Mystical Membership - Archangels course by Radleigh Valentine
Your Life in Colour by Dougall Fraser
Photo Sources
Photos by M. Young or created with Canva