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Angel Messages - Observe

Marilyn Young

With, today being a special day concerning matters of the heart, St Valentine’s Day, Spirit suggested we look at a card from The Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Deck created by well known psychic medium and spiritual teacher, John Holland. This deck, as you may remember, was created to provide guidance for relationships and in matters of the heart. The author speaks of the deck’s messages helping us take a psychic and intuitive perspective on things so we can “make better decisions that are not based purely on emotion.” What better deck to provide messages for us today than this one? The card for today is #12 Observe from the Major Arcana of the deck.

My Messages:

My first impression of this beautiful card is that it is providing us with guidance for navigating

the chaos, conflict, and confusion we might be experiencing personally and globally right now. So many matters weigh heavily on the hearts of many. More and more people are feeling the heart break created by ongoing political conflict, economic strife, or institutional practices. Others are experiencing more personal matters of the heart as relationships change with the energetic evolution we are currently undergoing. Friendships and family relationships are shifting. Some are finding there are great distances being created between themselves and once loved ones as. These personal experiences also involve the relationship with ourselves regarding personal health, belief systems, physical or emotional environment etc. Whatever is impacting our life in a potentially negative way, creating blocks to our growth, is an invitation to step back and become the observer. This card is suggesting that we step back and “observe” our life, our environment, and our relationships rather than becoming embroiled in the lower vibrational emotions that these circumstances can elicit.

The colours on the image represent several messages. The golden light at the bottom of the image appears to be coming from the individual’s solar plexus chakra which is our power centre. As we become the observer, we stand in our power, detaching from any negativity around us. Instead, we can observe the situation and become curious about why we are exposed to this situation and what learning is in it for us. The rainbow entering the individual’s head at the crown shows us the wisdom we bring in when we are in the observer role and open to that learning.

When we become the observer, we can consider many different perspectives of a situation. According to Spirit, the figures in the four corners of the card represent “the four corners of the earth.” In biblical terms, that phrase refers to “the most distant parts of the earth.” (Source: Got Questions: What does the Bible mean when it refers to the corners of the earth?) These four figures are encouraging us to consider a situation from as many perspectives as possible and to consider the perspectives of different people/populations around the world. Those perspectives will provide us with “a richness” of knowledge as we learn and grow. The four figures also represent different parts of ourselves – our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self. The different colours that the figures are wearing speak to different elements of who we are and of our growth.

Green is the colour of healing, learning, harmony, and growth as well as communication, creativity, and our physical self. As we observe a situation, we can ask ourselves “How does this connect to any healing I may need?” “How do I communicate about this situation in a constructive and loving manner?” “How does this impact the world I want to create for myself – what will I choose?” Green is also the colour of the heart chakra which reminds us to observe any situation with an open and loving heart. What other questions does the colour green bring up for you as the observer?

Blue relates to peace, freedom, and even detachment. It also represents our true selves/our purpose. As a detached observer we are free to stand in our truth, not being swayed by other’s opinions or lower vibrational energies. Blue is also the colour of the throat chakra which again is about communication and speaking our truth. As the observer we can ask “How does this situation align with my purpose, with my core values and beliefs?” “How do I speak to my truth regarding this situation?” What other questions does the colour blue bring up for you as the observer?

Orange is the colour of curiosity, warmth, balance and perception. Spirit is asking us as the observer to be curious and to consider all different perceptions of the current reality discovering those that balance with our true selves. We can ask “What can I learn from these different perspectives?” “Is there a ‘silver lining’ to this situation?” “How do I find balance between them and my core values?” Orange is also the colour of the sacral chakra, which is about community, again pointing to the perspectives from many communities from “the four corners of the world.” What other questions does the colour orange bring up for you as the observer?

Yellow/gold is the colour of clarity, insight, higher thought, brilliant ideas, enlightenment, and transformation. As we remain the observer, we are open of new ideas that can translate into new beginnings for us. Yellow is also the colour of the solar plexus chakra which brings us back to the power we have as the observer. As the observer we can ask the questions “What new insights am I gaining about this situation?” “What ‘aha’ moments have I had?” “How does a certain perspective open up opportunities for new beginnings for me?” What other questions does the colour yellow bring up for you as the observer?

The individual at the centre of the card is dressed in white reminding us of our true Divinity. As we step back and observe we are able to avoid being pulled in by negative energy and can remain at a higher vibration connected to the Divine. The symbol on the individual’s chest is over the heart chakra reminding us to always stay heart centred. As the detached observer we can relate to situations and people with an open heart, willing to learn, to forgive, to avoid judgement, and to grow. We can be open to new perspectives and ‘silver linings’ which can help us move forward on our path.

Whether considering your relationship with yourself, with others, or with the world around

you can you be that observer? What situation are you currently facing that becoming the observer would help? Are you willing to consider many different perspectives? Are you open to becoming curious? Can you stand in your power with an open heart ready to learn and grow? This card is reminding you that as a child of the Divine you most definitely can. The number 12 on the card speaks to new beginnings (number 1) we will find as the observer. The number 2 reminds us “don’t stop believing” in our ability to see the positive and create it in our world. The number 3 (1+2) reassures us that our entire spiritual team is always supporting us and will help us acquire the observer role. We can remain detached from the negativity we encounter and instead spread love and light, sharing the learnings we gain as the observer.

Guidebook Messages:

“A new understanding around matters of the heart is waiting to be revealed to you. Be still and observant. Now is not the time to take action. Instead, take a step back and wait. Reflect upon the relationship or issue. What is really happening? Release the need or desire to direct the relationship and simply go with the course of events. When you surrender to the experience, you learn a great deal and ultimately get what you truly need. Sometimes it’s in the releasing that we discover what we really need – as opposed to what we think we need. Trust the process, have faith in the journey, and let go of the outcome.

Although forward progress may appear to be slow, now is the time for patience. All things come in the appropriate time and cycle. Progress in improving a current relationship or finding a new relationship will happen when the time and energies are right. When you’re open and receptive to the needed change it will happen.

During the process of simply observing, you can also gain a new perspective on your situation. How might you think differently about it? Look at your relationship through the eyes of an impartial stranger. What insights might that stranger offer you? Listen to the observations with an open mind and heart. By taking a fresh look, you’ll bring in energies of awareness and transformation.

Affirmation: I now take a step back and observe my situation in a new light.

Key words: release, surrender, reconsider, patience, cycles, perspective.”   

I hope this was helpful for you. Now is the time to step into your power and become the observer to choose the resolution to any matter of the heart you are experiencing. Spirit is there to support you in all that you do. They believe in you and in any perspective you choose.

I would love to hear your feedback about how this card’s messages have resonated with you. If you find that you are wanting some assistance with becoming the observer, I am offering personalized intuitive counselling and angel card readings online or in person (in Calgary).

Sending love and light,



If you would like to learn more about today’s topics, here are a few resources I have found helpful:



The Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Deck and Guidebook by John Holland

Your Life in Color by Dougall Fraser






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