As we leave behind the tumultuous month of January, Spirit keeps prompting me to share with

you my experience with meeting my “future self” and the choices that we are all being presented with. Close to the end of 2024, I participated in a group where we embarked on a Quantum Consciousness Experience (QCE) to meet our future self. As I had been on previous journeys into the quantum consciousness, I was eager to see where this one would take me. Relaxing and then expanding into the quantum with the gentle guidance of the facilitator, I quickly met my future self. Surprisingly though, there was not one, but two future me’s! I could “see’ them so clearly. Standing in front of me was a “senior sage” (as my Guides called her). She wore a long white robe tied at the waist with a rope belt. Her smiling face was wreathed in shoulder length, grey hair styled similar to mine at the time. She held an open book in front of her and a golden light was emanating from it. To her left, on bended knee, was my other future self. She was dressed in armour reminiscent of Joan

of Arc, and her left hand hovered over a huge sword that lay on the ground beside her. She had short blonde hair, and her head was bowed as if in surrender. As I took in the sight of those two contrasting figures, I wondered what this meant for my future.
The energy from the two versions of my future self was calm and loving. I was curious as to why there were two versions of me for the future but didn’t question it further at the time. As the QCE drew to an end, I found the visions of my future selves joining my inner child and me in my heart space. Interestingly, I have found them there every day during my morning meditation since then. I have come to think of them as the “Wise Woman” and the “Warrior.” They are both in the same poses as when I met them and it feels as if they are waiting, patiently waiting, for something.
Recognizing the Warrior
When I have taken the time to explore these future versions of myself a bit more, the information I have received from Spirit about the Warrior is that I “don’t need to fight any more.” When I look back at my life, I see many times where I felt I was “fighting” injustices, either through my actions or my words. For example, at home, I “fought” to protect my children from the unfair behaviour of teachers and coaches. At work, I “fought” to protect my staff from taxing demands made by the upper echelons of the system I worked in. Politically I have written letters and spoken out at forums to “fight” what I saw as intrusive and harmful policies and decision making. So, I understand that the Warrior would be a version of my past but why my future? Why represented as Joan of Arc? What was Spirit referring to when I was told I don’t need to fight any more? Was I to just ignore any injustices I saw in my life?
I decided to look closer at Joan of Arc’s life. As a patron Saint of France, she is known as a fearless warrior during the hundred-year war in the 1400’s, fighting to defend France and bring about the coronation of King Charles VII. She claimed to be guided by visions from Archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine. Her life came to a sad end when after being captured by the English, she was burned at the stake as a heretic, despite her unwavering faith. She was canonized in 1920. The only similarities my Warrior has had with Joan of Arc is having fought many battles only mine were obviously not physical ones. What I can learn from her though, is the example of her unwavering faith and guidance from Spirit. Is my future self laying down her sword to address injustices in a different way in the future?
Discovering the Wise Woman

When I focused on the Wise Woman of my future, Spirit tells me she is who I need to tap into more. The golden light coming from the book she holds symbolizes the wisdom of Spirit. As I think more about her, I am reminded that I am to access the wisdom within myself more in the future. To me, that wisdom suggests a different perspective of the world around us. That perspective is presented through a loving heart. It feels the love and compassion for other beings cohabitating the planet with us. It feels the gratitude for lessons learned. It takes a positive approach to life, which I have always tried to do, but admittedly, I have not been consistent with that. I have definitely had my moments of contemplating doom and gloom and have fallen down a few “rabbit holes.” In the past few years though, as my connection to Spirit has grown, I have been more determined to “find the silver lining,” to look at life from a positive perspective, and to turn my attention away from fearful, angry narratives.
What the Wise Woman seems to be saying to me now is that I am on the right track. When I look at the chaos in the world around me, I look beyond it to find the beauty of our world. I focus on the loving hearts of people helping others on war torn streets and send love and healing energy to them. My heart is filled with gratitude and love for my fellow Canadians helping those fighting devastating fires in a country whose leader unabashedly attacks our sovereignty. I cherish the love and laughter of my family and hold my firm belief in my vision of a beautiful future for my grandchildren. I know Mother Earth is “righting herself” through unwelcome weather events as her energy shifts. When I hear negativity, I try to present a positive perspective on it to others. I know that what we think and feel creates our reality and that we have free will to choose those thoughts and feelings. As much as I can, I put aside the fearful, negative chatter of my ego and chose to redirect my thoughts and feelings to the positive, loving version of the situation and encourage others to do the same.
Spirit is also bringing to mind the Akashic records when I think of the book the Wise Woman is holding. The records hold information about all past, present, and future events, thoughts, feeling, etc. for all beings in the universe. The book reminds me of my Akashic records and that I can energetically influence them just as every being can. As I have discussed in other blogs, I am learning to focus more on the present and to let go of past regrets about things that are over and that I don’t want to recreate by focusing on them. I am also letting go of worries about things in the future that might not ever occur. By focusing on the beauty of the moment, I am bringing more of that into my life.

The light emanating from the book reminds me to continue to enhance my connection to Spirit, to tune into my inner wisdom. One of the major themes of this year of transformation is to cultivate more belief in ourselves as spiritual beings and to trust in the guidance from Spirit. This month we are especially challenged to fine tune our core beliefs to have our actions align with them. It is time to release beliefs that no longer serve us and connecting with Spirit will help us do that. We will also be presented with obstacles that will give us the opportunity to deepen our faith in Spirit and knowing that everything will work out for our highest good. Keeping that faith will help us navigate to a future that we enjoy and deserve.
Merging into the Future
Lastly, when I think of the book, I hear Spirit saying, “it is time to turn a new page.” I believe it is time to “lay down my sword” with regard to my actions and to take a wiser approach to life. The Warrior figure reflected a younger me and the grey-haired Wise Woman is definitely reflecting my current age! I feel reassured by Spirit that I have “the wisdom within” to do that and am told to share that wisdom with others. That wisdom points to letting go of limiting core beliefs, taking a positive perspective on life, expressing gratitude for the lessons that are coming fast and furious this year, relating to the world and those in it from the loving and compassionate heart versus the fearful ego/head, to trusting Spirit’s guidance, and believing in ourselves.
I am ready to more fully embrace my Wise Woman, but does that mean I need to totally discard my Warrior? With her hand poised above her sword, she seems ready to strike at a notice so perhaps I can redirect that energy, and like the sword of Archangel Michael, my Warrior can use hers to help me release what no longer serves me. Spirit is also telling me that I do not need to lose my Warrior spirit in being true to myself, finding my voice, and standing up for myself. That role for my Warrior may be quite helpful if I encounter some fearful, angry opposition when sharing the wisdom of my Wise Woman. In fact, I am now recalling that Spirit gave me a preview of this when in one of my meditations, I saw my Warrior and Wise Woman momentarily merge with me and my inner child. Recently they are separate again though, so perhaps the next steps are to facilitate a permanent merge during this year of transformation.
The Path Forward
So, it seems I have some work to do but I look forward to the wisdom that will come from

within that I can share with you. I am reassured too that my passionate Warrior will still help me speak my truth and present loving perspectives to injustices I encounter. What about you? Have you explored your future self? What do you think this year of transformation holds for you? Who do you hope to be at the end of this year? Do you have a Warrior who can help you release what you no longer need to hold on to? Can you access your inner wisdom to help you live your truth and help others do the same? We are being told it is time for a change. It’s time for us to believe in our inner wisdom and trust the guidance Spirit gives us. It’s time to have our Warrior clear the path to sharing our inner wisdom from a loving perspective. It’s time to turn the page and share our story. It’s time to shine brightly. Let’s do this together.
Sending you love and light,
Intuitive Counselling and Angel Card Readings
If you would like to receive some spiritual guidance specifically for you, I am offering intuitive counselling, angel card readings, and angel numerology readings online or in person (in Calgary).
Photo Sources
Photos by M. Young or created with Canva
Bryant McGill – Muses from a Mystic