As we approach the most intense time for energetic support for manifestation, the Lion’s Gate Portal (Aug 8, 2024), we have a great opportunity to articulate what we would like to create

in our lives. All we have to do is answer the question “What do you want?” I don’t know about you, but I find this one of the most difficult questions ever to answer! I’m not talking about responding to someone’s query of you when you tap on their shoulder to ask them to pass the butter. I’m talking about when the Universe taps you on the shoulder and askes what do you want out of life? Have you had the opportunity to think about and answer that question for yourself or do you just take each day as it comes? Are you well on your way with getting what you want in this year of abundance and manifestation? Or are you still figuring it out? Or are you like me and thought you had it answered until the Universe kept repeating the question? Or have you done the work and know what you want but you are not getting any closer to your goal?
A Persistent Question
I have been pondering this question off and on for a long time now. When I first read The Secret many years ago, I thought I knew what I wanted and now had the “secret” to getting it. However, I soon fell back into the everyday business of my life, the question faded, and life carried on relatively unchanged. Many years later, the question came up again when I retired. I was so grateful to enter this new stage of my life but now that it was here, I wasn’t sure what I wanted out of it! All I could visualize initially was starting each day with a leisurely morning coffee with my husband. Beyond that, I hadn’t really thought about what direction I wanted my life to take. Life was good and I was happy to have the time now to indulge in activities I had put on hold for so long, but I didn’t have a specific goal or plan. I just carried on with “catching up with life.”

As I began to spend more and more time on my spiritual growth, the Universe started to present the question to me again. It came up when I started my spiritual business – What do you want? My initial answer was that I wanted to find a new way to help others now that I had left my nursing career. I thought I had the answer with that goal and the plan of how I would help and how often I would offer my services. Then the question again came up as my family’s needs grew – what do you want? My answer was that I wanted to be able to help in whatever way I could. Luckily, I have had the time to help out quite often when needed. At the beginning of each year many people think about what they want for that year, making resolutions to back up their plan. So, at the beginning of this “eight year” of abundance and manifestation, the question was very prominent for me – What do you want? However, I was a bit lost as to the answer. So, I didn’t take the time to create a comprehensive answer. I decided I would craft my answer around my business and told the Universe I wanted to do twenty paid angel card readings a month. It complied. The Universe began presenting me with opportunities to do more than twenty readings every month until June when I heard that the readings would slow down for the summer.
Now, in the past week, I have been presented with the question again from three very different sources – one being a course I am taking – What do you want? As the Universe appears to be getting more insistent on a more thoughtful answer, I decided that I should pause and really think about the question seriously. When looking back at my previous answers, I realize how patient the Universe has been with me. I hadn’t answered the question regarding what I wanted for me. My answer had been about giving, about being of service to others versus what I wanted if I were to receive something rather than give something. This time I am really pondering - What do I want for me!!
When I think about this year, and each new moon within it, being an incredible opportunity to create the life that we want, I start to feel guilty about lost time. Then spirit comes in with the gentle reminder that everything happens on Divine timing. So, if you are just waking up to this conversation to have with yourself, don’t worry! It’s not too late!
As I contemplate the answer to this seemingly simple question, I recall previous attempts when

my analytical mind stepped in. With each answer it was coming up with another question to clarify, to get to the root of what I really wanted. For example, when I said I wanted more joy in my life, it asked, “What does that look like? What will bring that joy in?” When I stopped to think about that, I got back into the snare of me being of service. This time however, when I asked Spirit more questions about this, I received more clarity. Just as I spoke recently about joy being my barometer for balance (see The Ripple effect Newsletter - What’s Your Superpower), I will let joy be my criteria for activities that allow me to receive. For example, I love doing sessions with my clients because I receive such affirmation from them that the information they receive is helpful. That brings me joy. When I babysit the grandchildren and I hear their giggles and receive their hugs, that brings me joy.
So, as I work with my Guides to determine “what do I want” I am using the perspective of “what will bring me joy?” What do I love to do or have in my life or what is my passion? Here is my initial list of what I want:
Quality time with family
Perfect health
A successful business
Time to participate in creative endeavours – writing, quilting, painting
Financial security
How does that list look to you? Does it include anything that you want? As I look at my list, I realize I have more work to do to clarify my “wants” with the Universe. The clearer we are with our ask, the more likely it is to manifest as we expect it to be. First, I should clarify whether these things are already occurring in my life, and I want to simply maintain them (or maintain them with a few tweaks), or whether I want to create these things that I currently don’t have in my life. Next, I need to clarify a few things. For example, what is my definition of “quality” time with family. What do I mean by “perfect” health? Can I define what would make my business “successful”? How much time do I want for creativity? How much money is needed for financial “security’? Do you get the idea that we need to describe to the Universe “what would each of these goals look like?”
Another Layer of the Onion
Before we move on with answering to what we want, let’s address the elephant in the room. How many of you are uncomfortable with asking to bring joy into your life? Does it make you squirm just a little bit? Or do you catch yourself thinking, “I’m good. I don’t need joy. That’s a little bit over the top.” If this is you, Spirit wants to remind you that our loving Creator wants us all to live a life of joy. It is only our ego, rooted in our social upbringing perhaps this life and in others, that tells us that we don’t need joy or that we have enough. If you are in this state, it is time to peel back another layer of the onion. Previously we have talked about “peeling the onion” to discover barriers to self love as we uncover life lessons and buried trauma (see The Ripple Effect Newsletter – Peeling the Onion).This time, we are looking for barriers to creating joy in our lives.
Some of us do not allow joy into our lives because we have a deeply buried core belief that we are not worthy, that we are not worth having a joy filled life. At sometime in the past, this life or another, we have had an experience or encounter that formed that core belief. A life lesson in self worth is often connected to lessons in judgement about us and in seeing value in ourselves. Memories of interactions when you were told, “You don’t deserve ____” or “Who do you think you are?” are clues to a life lesson in worth. As we work through those situations and remind ourselves that they are not true, we can begin our journey of learning to receive joy.

Some can’t relate to the idea of having a joyful life for a different reason. They have difficulty even articulating what that would mean for them. This is because these people are often stuck in a cycle of negativity. Everything in their life feels hard, or bad, or a crisis. They feel nothing good ever happens for them and so they are unhappy. Others may describe them as a “glass half empty” person. If this is you or someone you know, you can start to turn that world around by being open to changing perspective. For every negative thought, counter it with a positive perspective. If you have trouble thinking of another perspective, reach out for help to friends and family, a professional, and/or your spiritual team. Replace self judgement with self belief.
The Plan for Action
So, once you have decided on the details or what you want and that you are worthy of it, it is time to make a plan. What needs to happen to create those joyful situations?” With your clear, joyful goal in mind, you need to create a step-by-step plan:
Start by visualizing your goal. You can do this daily in meditation or describing it in your journaling or creating a vision board for your wall or computer screen.
See each detail of that end goal and feel the joy of it in your heart. Attaching a positive emotion to your goal is very important in achieving it.
It is not necessary to plan every detail of achieving the goal. You decide on the “what”/the goal and the Universe will determine the “how”.
Remember to surrender to Divine timing. Being impatient or in a hurry is often not in our best interest.
Last but not least, take action. Move at a pace that is comfortable for you. Take time to rest and do some self care over these next few weeks as we enter another round of ascension energy just before August. The Lion’s Gate manifestation energy of triple 8’s (8th day of the 8th month in an 8 universal year) is super supportive of moving you forward quickly if you are ready. As your plan unfolds, stay in touch with how you feel about it. If you are happy and joyful, you are on the right path and aligned with your life purpose. If you experience a few bumps, remember to change your perspective and ask what you can learn from the situation in order to stay in that high vibration of bringing in joy. If you are totally unhappy you may need to change direction.
As we talked about a couple of weeks ago, we are in a time of transformation supported by

the Divine feminine. (see The Ripple Effect Newsletter – What’s Your Superpower?) The energy of the Lion’s Gate portal enhances that transformative energy as does the ascension energy while approaching the new moon on July 21. Perhaps you can begin transforming your world with a small vision you would like the new moon to support the manifestation of. However you choose to harness this magical energy, give yourself the gift of really articulating what you want to create in your life. The Universe is tapping you on the shoulder. It’s time to answer.
Sending you love and light,
Intuitive Counselling and Angel Card Readings
If you have the need for a helping hand with determining “what you want”, I am offering intuitive counselling, angel card readings, and angel numerology readings online or in person (in Calgary).
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