Alone. Have you ever felt so removed from the physical presence of others that you could almost feel as if you are the only being left on the planet? OR have you experienced that feeling despite being surrounded by others? I think everyone has had moments like these – some more than others. I know I certainly have. But what we are really experiencing is the feeling of loneliness – a sadness due to the lack of connection with others. This can occur when we are physically alone or even if we are in a room full of people. Wherever we are when we feel lonely, it can be an overwhelming unpleasant state. So, how do we overcome loneliness?
Why Are You Lonely?
Loneliness can occur for many reasons but lately I have met many people who are feeling disconnected from their existing circle of family, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances. Why? Many would say it began with the physical aloneness of forced isolation during the pandemic. Many people were segregated in their homes with no one else around – alone. Being physically separated weakened the connection we felt with others. Some were able to nurture that connection with phone calls and video visits, but the lack of being physically in each other’s presence took its toll. Connections were also lost due to a clash in beliefs systems and values. The ultimate severer of the connection to another was losing them to death. Many people sank into a state of loneliness due to this reduced connection to others.
We see people who are experiencing loneliness today. Some are physically alone, perhaps in a new community where they connect with only a few people. There has been a lot of migration of individuals and families globally since the pandemic and that has been escalated recently due to global conflicts. As some people age, their circle of relationships shrinks to the point where some seniors feel they “have no one” – no one to speak with, no one to share life experiences with. Their loneliness can be acute when they are further physically isolated due to illness or lack of mobility. There are those who have gone through a major life transition such as divorce, separation, retirement, or losing a loved one who are also experiencing loneliness due to the reduced connection to others.
Many are finding their connection to others fading away as their values and beliefs change and differ from those once in their life. This appears to be accelerating as more and more people are stepping up the pace of their spiritual growth. As people begin to wake up to their spiritual gifts and reconnect with who they truly are, some relationships end as shared values, passions, and dreams disappear. Some don’t even speak the same language any more as those who were in their life previously. Missing that connection with others especially when your life is transitioning can be distressing. So how do we resolve the loneliness?
The Gift of Solitude
Sometimes the way to address loneliness is a simple change of perspective. Perhaps this time of reduced connection to others is a gift from the Universe to allow you time to focus on yourself without the distraction and demands of others. If everything happens for a reason, then this time of solitude has a purpose. Perhaps you just need a physical rest or respite from the demands of your life? Perhaps you need quiet time to think through an important decision? Maybe you are experiencing changes in your life that signal the opening of spiritual gifts that you need time to observe and figure them out? Maybe the Universe is awarding you with more time to “stop and smell the roses”, to be more present in your life, to see the beauty all around you, and allow it to lift you up? Whatever the reason, this time of seclusion from others, this solitude, can be a gift from the Universe.
I remember as a child, playing on my own outside on a hot summer’s day. I would be in my blanket tent between our house and the neighbour’s. Neither house had a window facing my tent. The hot summer air was so still it almost made you breathless. The neighbourhood was quiet with families away on vacation, adults at work, and their children in care somewhere removed from the vicinity of my tent. We lived on a quiet street away from main traffic areas, so our secluded location added to the serenity of the space. Even though my mother and siblings were in the house, I felt alone, and distant from them. I remember looking up at the bright blue sky and feeling as if I was the only person left on the planet. I was hit with sudden excruciating loneliness. It was intense and I almost panicked but for some reason I couldn’t get up and run into the house to be in the presence of my family. Instead, I rolled over on my blanket, feeling the dampness of the grass beneath it and hearing the rustle of the blades rubbing against one another as I changed position to look up the deserted street for signs of life. I recall peaking around the sticks that held the blanket over my head to look up and watch the clouds float by, seeing shapes and figures in the wispy whiteness. I remember finding a ladybug in the grass and watching her slowly crawl across my hand feeling the tickle of her legs on my skin as she scampered to safety. I realize now, as the memory floods back complete with that intense feeling of loneliness, that the Universe gave me alone time to truly be in the moment, to appreciate the world around me.
Many people chose to have periods of intentional aloneness. This social withdrawal from others whether made as a deliberate choice or not, can provide a positive opportunity for self care and self growth. The lack of connection with others can be replaced with an enhanced connection to yourself. This can be done through meditation, journalling, art, and even music. As you turn inward to reconnect with your true self, move into your heart and out of your head. This time of solitude can give you the opportunity to quieten the ego mind and pay attention more intently to communication from Spirit. Do you have times of solitude that you benefit from?
The Cure for Loneliness
Despite the Universe giving us some alone time as a gift, many today are carrying around much loneliness whether they are consistently alone or not. No matter what the reason for your loneliness, one obvious way to start to reconnect with others is to reach out. This can be to new neighbours or work colleagues, or old friends that seem to have fallen away but you are thinking about them again. Many people are searching for their “community.” By reaching out, be it virtually or physically, you will find each other. That relationship may begin with a simple smile, the universal language, or an act of kindness. Reaching out without judgement or expectations may pleasantly surprise you with the results. (See also The Ripple Effect Newsletter – Reach Out)
You can also connect with another energetically. Have you ever thought of someone and suddenly you have a smile on your face, and you feel love in your heart? You are connecting with that person energetically. No matter where that someone is, when your thoughts of them drop into your heart and you feel that love for them that makes you smile, you are connecting so you are not really alone.
In the absence of connection to other people, some have amazing connections to animals and plants, so they don’t feel lonely. These are energetic beings as we are, and you can spend time interacting with them. Many swear that their pets are the cure for their loneliness. We have an energetic connection with them that is unconditional. Others feel connected to their plants and gardens as they tend to them, watching them grow and flourish. Do you connect with your pets and plants?
Spirit wants to remind you too that you can change your lonely circumstances because you are the creator of your reality. As you keep your thoughts positive about relationships and feel positive emotions about them, your reality can change. Knowing you deserve those relationships and feeling in your heart as if you already have them, will bring them into your life. Spirit wants you to simply visualize what your desired relationships will look and feel like and then your spiritual team will take care about how those relationships manifest. If you can, remove the thoughts and feelings about how lonely you are and how bad you feel. If that seems like an impossible task, try to outnumber those thoughts and feelings with the thoughts and feelings of the new happy relationships you are creating. Remember to include gratitude for those new creations as well as gratitude for all the good things in your life – large and small. Does that help with your loneliness? What else do you need to know?
You Are Not Alone
“You are not alone.” How often have you heard that phrase lately? I believe it was employed the most during the pandemic when all of society was forced into isolation. I also hear it a lot in spiritual circles as people are searching for a new community of like-minded people. But do we really mean that the person is not physically alone? No. I think the intent of the phrase, “You are not alone,” is to help people not feel lonely. It is a way of implying that others are thinking about them, are connected to them.
I have often used the phrase myself reminding people who are finding that the ascension path can be lonely, that Spirit is always with them. And that is why Spirit wanted me to address this subject today. With the intense spiritual transitions that people are experiencing today, Spirit knows that it can be isolating. Some of what you may experience along your path may cause you to lose interest in previous relationships, but Spirit wants to reassure you that is only because you are making way for new ones in your life. There are many like minded people in communities all over the globe just waiting for you to join them.
Most importantly, Spirit wants you to know that they are with you. Even though you may have
no physical evidence of their presence, your Guardian Angels never leave your side. They are with you from the time of your birth and will be there to help you transition in death. They want me to emphasize that they never leave you – not even for a nanosecond. You also have Spirit Guides, Archangels, and specialty angels who are with you at different times in your life based on what your needs are. You have passed loved ones including pets and ancestors with you lovingly supporting you. You may have dragons, or fairies, or other creatures from different realms also waiting in the wings to support you. They are all waiting for one simple thing to show you how much they love and support you – you need to ask. You can ask for answers to your prayers. You can ask for help with manifesting. You can ask for signs. You can ask for them to keep you from being alone and lonely. They are there for you! (See also The Ripple Effect Newsletter – Is Spirit Speaking to You?)
So, do you still feel lonely? Can you look at your situation as a gift and know that it is a temporary stage in your spiritual growth? Do you remember that you have an energetic connection to others, and you can call on it at any time to erase the loneliness? Do you understand that although you may not have many other humans in your life you will ALWAYS have Spirit with you? Yes, and I know it sounds so cliché, but Spirit does want me to use the phrase because in the end, it is true – You are not alone.
Sending you love and light,
Intuitive Counselling and Angel Card Readings
If you would like to receive some spiritual guidance specifically for you, I am offering intuitive counselling, angel card readings, and angel numerology readings online or in person (in Calgary).
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