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Break Free From Life's Challenges
2 Counsellors in 1 Session

Do you have questions about your life's journey?

Access wisdom and guidance from Spirit to address your struggles with :

  • relationships (self love, loving others, soul mate, twin flame)

  • health

  • finances

  • manifesting your dreams

  • finding your life purpose


Do you simply want to know what information Spirit has for you at this time in your life?


Access the wisdom of

2 gifted counsellors for the price of 1 session

 (60 or 90 minute)

Joining Me for
Select Intuitive Counselling Sessions

Meet Anika Stasiak

Healer, Empath, Clairvoyant Medium

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Hello! I'm Anika.

I am a dedicated healer, empath, and gifted clairvoyant medium with a deep connection to the spiritual realm. My work is guided by Archangels, Ascended Masters, loving Spirit Guides, and the Divine. My mission is to guide you toward alignment with your life's true purpose, free from Karmic filters that may be hindering your journey toward a fulfilling life.


My path to becoming a healer has been one of self-discovery, marked by continuous reading, shadow work, therapy, and the unwavering support of my spiritual team. Through this transformative journey, I've not only healed some of my own deepest wounds but also uncovered my calling to extend that healing to others. Together, let's embark on a transformative path towards your highest potential. 

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Allow us to assist you in discovering and navigating your twin flame relationship.

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